Walela x Nylon Magazine

What It's Like To Be A Fat Black Queer Femme—With Cancer: Taylor Crumpton

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Talking with Walela Nehanda about the decolonization of body image through cancer

Our nation's mistreatment of Black femmes in health care can be traced to Dr. James Marion Sims, the "father of modern gynecology" who experimented on enslaved Black women without anesthesia, due to his racist beliefs of Black people not being able to experience pain. This racist belief system is still tacitly practiced within the health care system, where Black patients are undertreated for pain by white health care professionals. Furthermore, the racial empathy gap practiced by health care professionals is heightened due to a person's perceived socioeconomic status, which has resulted in better treatment for not only wealthier patients, but even those assumed to be wealthier, a status marker often associated with skin color, yes, but also gender and body type.

Walela Nehanda